how to toast a girl

All men feel some form of dread or nervousness when it comes to picking up women, and it gets even more difficult when you are naturally an introvert. If you are sitting in your favourite bar and you spot a hot girl, don’t let shyness keep you from the possibilities. Use these tips.
Dress well: Do not underestimate the importance of looking the part. Being well and fashionably dress is the first step towards standing out. It puts you out there even before you begin to use your words and it will draw the eyes of most ladies, whether or not they are interested.
Project confidence: This might be hard to do if you are naturally shy, but you have to ‘fake it till you make it.’ Project confidence by maintaining a strong, straight posture. Also, if you happen to be in good shape, then kudos to you. Women usually notice a man who stands out with looks and confidence.


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